
Hey guys! I'm not dead anymore. I saw that my book about "Gerard Way" smut was taken down. Mind you it was not an actual smut book, but a joke book. I may or may not make another joke book, what do you guys think? I'm planning on more stories as well. I'd like to see what you guys got in mind! Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey guys! I'm not dead anymore. I saw that my book about "Gerard Way" smut was taken down. Mind you it was not an actual smut book, but a joke book. I may or may not make another joke book, what do you guys think? I'm planning on more stories as well. I'd like to see what you guys got in mind! Sorry for the inconvenience.


Oooo love the background 


Hii! You seem pretty cool and I like your books so I followed lmao, have a nice night!


@GerardGayTwin thank you!! And you're welcome! lmao


@sarahkilljoy ayyy, you seem cool too! Thank you for following me, dude. Hope you have a nice night too!