
@CrazyMetroid101 No Problem :)


Hey... :3
          I'm not exactly good at this stuff, (so UNTAMED21, tells me). So I'll just tell the basic stuff. I love writing (though it doesn't always turn out), I am in love with Supernatural and its actors. I'm athletic, and love to play volleyball, though I'm better at basketball. I love camping (preferably with beaches and lakes), my favorite color's purple, and I hang out at home more than with my friends, I don't have a cellphone, and I really enjoy tumblr. I'm in grade 11, and am not exactly cool, or popular at school and I don't really care. I have a few close friends (a bunch of A-holes of you ask me). I'm a Leo, and I love Greek Mythology. My favorite movie is Guardians of the Galaxy, or anything with Chris Pratt in all reality. I am in love with multiple fictional characters. I consider myself a bookworm, I love crisp autumn days, bonfires, and wearing hoodies. I like to eat away my boredom, and I don't like sharing my food. (Unless of course, your names are Farzona and just maybe Hannah) I don't fit society's 'Perfect' description, and I'm most definitely not rich. I hate Mosquitos, and am deathly afraid of needles and caterpillars. I love heights, walking barefoot, and running. I have a future planned out (though changes do happen) and my favorite quotes isn't deep or meaningful. It's funny. From Supernatural of course. My favorite song is Carry On My Wayward Son because like c'mon, it's a classic. 
          My favorite animals are tigers and dragons. I like to draw, and am hoping to get better at it. There are paper origami dragons hanging from my ceiling in my room and I'm learning the Greek Alphabet, and just because you asked, my favorite Greek god is Poseidon.
          Now I was never told how to specifically to write this. I don't care if this is the most random information you've heard and that its boring or pointless or even that I was supposed to include/exclude anything.
          This is me, and this is what I want you to know about me.