
November 19, 1985 For me the very first experiment. Especially for this venture. I don't even know... I don't know how Jen and... Charlotte will react. I'm afraid for her... However, she has her first friend. And, in my opinion, reliable. I think his name is... John... Yes, it seems so. But still, I hope it works.


November 19, 1985 For me the very first experiment. Especially for this venture. I don't even know... I don't know how Jen and... Charlotte will react. I'm afraid for her... However, she has her first friend. And, in my opinion, reliable. I think his name is... John... Yes, it seems so. But still, I hope it works.


It read: ON A BIRTHDAY AT THE MALL, TWO CHILDREN MISSED: MARK JOHNSON AND DANIEL WILSON. Under the headline, two photographs were shown: the first was of a fifteen-year-old teenager with thick hair, looking at the camera without a smile, with a serious face; the second child, three years old, with blond hair but a smile on his face. Near each photo, there was a characteristic: weight, eye color, height, etc. And underneath it all was a date: 03/27/2003.
          I know the chapter forgot to "notify", so... a new chapter is out!


so hello everyone again, i want to say something
          about the first chapter, I want to change it some time, because I didn’t like it, and you, in principle, too (probably)
          so it may change soon
          and yes soon a new chapter (probably in 2 weeks)


so, I want to boldly declare that the chapter is written by 75%. so look forward to it soon.
          And yes, it was my birthday. I was given money and one of these days we will buy a new micro for voice acting.
          so wait superstars