
There goes another one, hehe ♡


I am not sure if I will continue this story tbh. I feel like having zero ideas and it's going nowhere and I don't know..I just feel like I can't satisfy anyone with this story anymore..I am not sure :(


bitte nicht ivy die story is so schön❤️


@moreofthatrog hi boo, don't give up on it completely yet ❤️


Hi peeps, I try working on a new chapter as soon as I can, rn I am taking some sort of a creative break to really write good chapters. I feel like my story lost a bit of spice and I really want to make this story as enjoyable as possible for everyone. I'll let you know when there will be a new chapter. Love to y'all ❤


I am sorry but I don't know when I'm gonna update my story. Work is very demanding lately and I have such little motivation and time. Also my mind is kinda all over the place atm. I don't know, feels like this story barely has any active readers anyways (maybe I am wrong). Once again, I am sorry. I hope you understand and wait for me ❤