


Ever wanted something long to end terribly but somehow it just keeps prolonging ? Feeling that right now. Wishing for this whole freaking board exam to end but it just keeps on extending. Thanks a alot cyclone. I know I'm supposed to feel bad for the victims of it, but now no feelings are coming except tiredness and anger. WHEN WILL THIS JSC END?!?!


@Parijat176 Ik. Feeling seriously depressed. R koto pora jae? 


Why is it so hard nowadays to get into social media sites without your feed being bombarded with that person's scandal, photos, personal life, problems etc? I mean seriously those people who think that people's lives are their personal property, I wanna ask them, "Dude, when will you mature? And when will the term 'common sense' register into that flea-infested brain of yours?" I mean it's called personal life for a reason because its PERSONAL. Not a public website where you login and give your two cents. When will we start to let go of all the negativity and hatred?
          Give a bangalee a tissue they'll turn it into an issue in no time flat. 


@taharat_zaman who is making an issue??


You should never vocalize something to another person that you know will maim that person's heart for your own personal pleasure. You never know that the words that are thrown as jokes by you, might hurt the person said to in the bitterest way possible. And what hurts more is that when that person doesn’t apologise himself/herself and even refrains others who want to. And when the refrained party apologises that person says that,"Say that I'm sorry too." when they don’t even mean it. Like common you ruin something and then you forbid others who want to say sorry and later when they defy you, you tell them to say sorry from your behalf. Like who apologises for something indirectly? Who even wants your two pennies half hearted apology? Throw that in the drain where it belongs. It never occurs to them to say what to whom and when to say it. Freaking disgraceful generation, that's us. We don't even know the difference between jokes and insults. When you don’t know what to joke about, then please DON'T insult someone. It may seem funny to you but not to the next person. Not everything told by friends are accepted and nor should they ever think that the person said to would just laugh it off and never mind about it. And never think that a person would just come back okay with it. Imagine yourself in their shoes first, then say something. And if you CAN'T imagine then sorry to say that you’re the biggest altruistic bitch I've ever met in my life.
          [Dedicated people will get it.]


@fabb1J Ikr jotoshob coward manush jon


You all r dumb headed u know. We aren’t living in the past the matter wasn’t brought up for some days till now and y r u making it public? Talk face to face it’s better than publicising this


We all have that one friend who's very loud and hyperactive, right? Who always reacts before hearing something out? Yeah I also have that kinda friend. ITS HER BIRTHDAY TODAY. She's friendly, She's everything sugar and nice. She appreciates all of our ideas and loves my idea on what we wanna do @parijat176 ( u know).
          But amongst you getting old buddie you also need to become wiser. Stop deciding things on a rush. Learn to be considerate.
           Don't be one of those peeps who just get older not wiser. Well enough fault finding. 
          Happy fabulous fifteen, partner in crime! Have a blast,bbg!!!! 
          Love u to Alpha Centerio and back! 
          P.S- I wish u had Wattpad but never mind.
          P.P.S- I'm jealous becuz our crush is on the same person but yours and his birthday is in same month only four days apart! Never mind though!


@Parijat176 No i won't. I love love love advising people. Besides she really does need to be considerate 


Hey @parijat176  whenever u wish somebody those words just get out cuz u care for them right and u want their wellbeing. Its automatic.


We all have that one idiot friend who can't solve a problem
          Without creating 10 more. Am I right or right?


Yeah totally....