
omg i just realized that trapped has reached 10k reads,,,, though it's like the cringest book on here, thank you so much for 10k reads T^T


I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday so... yeah happy 19th birthday! I hope you're doing well


@realjooleea ahh i get that hornhautverkrümmung be like :')) but it's nice to hear that you're doing well!!


I’m pretty good, I’m getting glasses soon so I can finally see properly again yay


@realjooleea oh my god you're so sweet thank you so much! i've been better, definitely. thank you so much for checking in on me. how are you??


so i know thatcmost people won't read this here, but for those, who do, hi :>
          i haven't really posted anything in a while, neither a story nor here on my board. the reason is that i'm kinda burnt out with school, work, tutoring and training so that i barely have time for any of my hobbies - writing included. i haven't touched most of my books since the end of summer break because i just can't keep up with my school stuff if i slack off even just a day, i noticed that between summer and fall break and for me, this year is pretty crucial as it's my final year and it will determine whether i can go to uni or not. 
          not only that but i face writer's block in almost all my stories. there is two ateez stories in my drafts that i am planning thoroughly but for the rest there is just nothing but a black void and that is not public-worthy. 
          i have thought about this for a while, and trust me when i say that this is a huge step for me too. i've been on this app since 2018, i was 13 when i first got here. i'll turn 19 this year, so i've spent a good portion of my youth on wattpad writing stories. and i loved it, don't get me wrong, but i think this time might end soon. 
          not because i want to leave, but maybe, because it was about time a year ago already, when i began to become super inactive, or maybe even in 2020, when i began to re-write busking boy and still, in 2023 am not finished with it. i ignored these signs because i still loved writing too much for this. 


@realjooleea thank you so so so much, i can't tell you how much this alone already helped me better deal with the fact that i might never come back on here as an author. 
            und die gespräche in den kommentaren waren auch für mich immer etwas, was den tag besser gemacht hat und worauf ich mich immer gefreut hab. danke für deinen zuspruch und dein verständnis, wirklich. das bedeutet mir die welt <3


@taeyxngvibes  heyy, 
            Abi sounds so incredible stressful, my sister is in grade 11 (we have 13 years so it isn't even really oberstufe) and she's SO stressed out, I can't imagine what it's like in year 12/13, I have mad respect that you're doing your abi! I wish you the best of luck, fighting hayadwae!
            Do what you need to do, don't pressure yourself to anything, do what you want to do! Meeting you through wp comments was one of the most unexpected and amazing things ever, I always looked forward to see your messages! It has been about 2 months since I last heard of you and I'm glad you're doing okay, even tho it sounds really really stressful. 
            Thank you for everything. You are an amazing person. You truly are.
            I'll remember you, and maybe when the stressful times are over and you have slayed those exams, we'll hear of you again. You will rock that!
            Die Gespräche mit dir über wp Kommentare waren wirklich der Höhepunkt meines Sommers, ich werde dich nicht vergessen. 
            Du schaffst das, auch wenn es wirklich schwierig ist. Ich wünsche dir alles gute des Universums bei deinem weiteren Weg, vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal, auch wenn wir uns nicht gegenseitig erkennen werden. Ich denke an dich
            <3 Lia


            writing is one of my passions and for nothing in the world i will stop, but maybe it's time to stop here. maybe not for good, maybe i'll come back, but i need time for that. i will still read on this app and from time to time, i'll post something here in my board, but i can't promise a story the next time i'm back, the pressure of coming on this app and needing to write and put something out needs to leave first. 
            maybe i'll come back one day,
            thank you for everyone supporting me on my small journey and to everyone who took their time to read this
            - célia