
hi guys, i’ve been so inactive and i’m sorry. i’ve just started meds a couple weeks ago and school has really been taken a toll on me. hopefully i will get a chapter out soon. not to get your hopes up but i will update shortly. just be patient with me okay? love you all :) 


@taelomll2 meds take time sometimes and school always sucks. I hope that things get better for you soon. Be kind to yourself, eat well, stay hydrated, And remember we will all be here when you're ready to update


hi guys, i’ve been so inactive and i’m sorry. i’ve just started meds a couple weeks ago and school has really been taken a toll on me. hopefully i will get a chapter out soon. not to get your hopes up but i will update shortly. just be patient with me okay? love you all :) 


@taelomll2 meds take time sometimes and school always sucks. I hope that things get better for you soon. Be kind to yourself, eat well, stay hydrated, And remember we will all be here when you're ready to update


Hi guys, I’m going to start writing today, if you’ve already read the chapters done read the ones I’m posting. 


@taelomll2 I love how much love and support is spread around through the Kpop community! I'm so proud to be apart of it!!
            Also, I'm litterly so excited for your story and new updates! I just finished reading your book twice!! I love the plot sooo much!! It makes me feel the love from the characters, even if it's not real! I love it a lot!!! Look forward to future updates!!!


@taelomll2 thank you for following me!!


@taelomll2  yayyyyyyy!!! Can't wait!!