
i came to the conclusion that my story is  all over the place, not that anyone cares but I just wanted to say that


Ugh I hate myself but I can't update today I've been working on a edit for my fanpage And I feel like if i get that over with I can update faster so I'ma update when I finish it so probably tm srry for the wait luv you bb❤️


hi ima update today but later cause its 3:11am so im gts, but ima update on both books!, and say goodbye to the mattia one cause that might be the last part unless u guys want a part2, but just wait for later so we can decided if u want a part2 or not, oh and i was watching 365days on netflix 


i haven't slept what so ever it is currently 9:22 am... wtf i need sleep, but i am also edited rn for my fan page on instagram, it isn't going the best but i asked one of my friends and she gave me sum good advice :) thank you zoe


@vsp_edittz1  ima work on it in a bit I'm almost done tho


when is the edit coming?


okay guys i am going to start writing in my computer so that means the updates for both books might be faster but if they dont go faster i am sorry and thank you for 20k reads on this hopefully mattia never reads this book