
For those of you who are new, or are patiently awaiting an update or a long awaited release of a book published on my page, I’d like to apologize for the unseemly stretch of time between chapters. I’m a full time student and life gets in the way of doing what I love sometime; that being said, I will be taking a year off from school and work this coming May. I plan to dedicate this time to my creativity so expect lots of new chapters. I’ve challenged myself with writing a chapter a week, and hope that by this time next year I will have a book finished!


For those of you who are new, or are patiently awaiting an update or a long awaited release of a book published on my page, I’d like to apologize for the unseemly stretch of time between chapters. I’m a full time student and life gets in the way of doing what I love sometime; that being said, I will be taking a year off from school and work this coming May. I plan to dedicate this time to my creativity so expect lots of new chapters. I’ve challenged myself with writing a chapter a week, and hope that by this time next year I will have a book finished!