
Hi guys! How are you guys doing? So...its been really long time that I gone from Wattpad world huh? lol haha,I MISS ALL OF YOU TvT did you miss me? No? Its ok *cry at bed* wahh I being so dramatic this days.I'm so sorry for not chat with my online friends in here..I was busy this whole time and my mom just done operation 3 weeks ago I think and she gonna do the operation again..So I gonna say that I really sorry,I was also help my mom to make cookies,take care of the family members and I take care of her at hospital thats why I didn't go to school and online in here


@syaidukmai of course I will understand your situation. I know it's hard but I also know that you're strong. right? Ouh hahaha... Actually I'm thinking that my English is pretty bad hahaha... Well,stay safe too^^


@Atikah_2803 I also really miss you Ika,and thank you for understand my situation ^-^ btw your english is not that bad,its really great and stay safe!
