
Currently reading Yin & Yang by by ElectraM
          	Its a romance book please go check it out
          	Vote on it she\he deserves it :)


Hey people again
          So today or shall I say a couple of days ago we had my mom's funeral,if you guys was woundering what my mom died of,she died of lung cancer,.....yeah,it brings teers to my eyes,
          But I promise....just give me a few more days...and...I'll be okay.:-) :-( 
          Love ya all


How are you peoples doin?
          Me......I'm not doin so well....my mom just died soo,yeah,I'm really sad and scared,my mom ment EVRY thing to me,so I'm sad,
          I wish I was dead,so I can be with her,
          But,just give me awhile and ill be back to normal (I hope)


@Linxxyboy I LOVE YOU(not in the weird kissie kissie face way)thanks alot,a little kindness helps Alot,thanks for that,i will deffintaly come talk when i need to let alittle off my chest..!


Don't worry about it, and hey, if you ever feel like talking or something then don't hesitate to pm me. I might not be able to help you in person but everyone needs someone to talk to now and again. Sure, it might be a bit weird as we don't know each other that well but I'll always be there if you aren't sure who to turn to. Stay strong :)


@Linxxyboy  thank you so much,you really made my day,your are probbaly the best person i say allday,:-) again thank you sooooooo much,your awsome ,im litteraly crying,(sorry for the spelling:-) )


Hi people,im writing a book called Nothing Matters by me of course,but yeah,I wanted to tell all of my followers,and other people that see/read my books,to please not judge them,you know like call them bad or say that I suck at writing,because trust me I already know how bad I am at it...so yeah,if you don't judge my books I won't judge yours~
          -Hailey ❤