
Sorry to see Pride Month come to an end! It's been such a great experience posting my first book to Wattpad, and I'm excited and a little sad to be so close to the finish line. Chapters 24 & 25 are now posted and I'll be completing the story sometime next week!


Hi Suzanne, thanks for following me. Incidentally, I worked with a Canadian editor on one of my books... Best wishes, Emma


@sutherlandsuz not 'alf. I learned a great deal from the woman I worked with, who delivered her points in an instructive and gentle way.


My pleasure! I’ve just started reading Beautiful Biters and am really enjoying it. We grow good editors in Canada. 


Hey! I notice that you are a new member to wattpad. I want to welcome you. If you ever need any  help with anything, don't hesitate to call me. If you get a chance you should check out my story. Hope to see you around soon. BYE!