
GUYS wtf happened to JTinaCarlos???? i literally love their stories and had a lot of them in my library and now i cant find them and when i search for their name nothing comes up. did they delete their account or smth or was i blocked?????  can anyone check????? im gonna freak the f out i loved their fics sm idk what im gonna do without them


GUYS wtf happened to JTinaCarlos???? i literally love their stories and had a lot of them in my library and now i cant find them and when i search for their name nothing comes up. did they delete their account or smth or was i blocked?????  can anyone check????? im gonna freak the f out i loved their fics sm idk what im gonna do without them


u-u-ur account wallpaper.... 


please i need it T-T


i dont have the link 