
Hi. As you might know me from the comments down below. But I'm chloe, I am Gracie's twin sister who deadly misses her sister. I'm just going to put it out there. Cancer is in my family. It's a horrible thing to be spread around but it is. Now after my sister had passed away about a month ago I was diagnosed with  cancer.  Th exact same that has killed many of my relatives and twin sister. I just wonder how you guys go through it for so long, when is it going to end, and if you're going to live or not Without folding up into a crying mess


This is one of those questions that are hard to explain. Honestly we don't know why this has been as long as it has. It's a matter of luck. It's how well your body will tolerate treatments or how aggressive the cancer is. For us, we know the end is coming when we've tried every measure without success. Abigail even tried some treatments twice before she died. But we will say that having a support group to talk with. (Not a stupid sit in a circle kind of one but friends) does help so much as you will want to live longer to be with them. That's why we became friends, you need someone to talk with that understands the pain and annoyance of cancer. That's even the reason we started this book. As we wanted to help others like us realize they aren't alone. (That and we had to set the world straight about cancer as all the cancer movies have created so many lies) The honest truth, none of us will survive. If the rest of us live another two years, we would be medical miracles. But for us we don't see it as the end of life. But the beginning of eternal life without cancer, without pain, without suffering. So yeah that may answer your questions but if not, or even if you just need someone to talk to. We're always here. 


This is amazing my best friend died from osteosarcoma some of my other friends had some cancer scares but thank goodness it wasn't cancer I have celiac which isn't very nice at all since I can get blood cancer and some other stuff my other best friend has type one diabetes which can be hard sometimes but you girls keep fighting I'm sorry for your loss I know it was a while back but still and I hope Abbie gets better and gets off that vent I've been on a vent when I was really little I have a rare genetic dental disease and I have to go to this special hospital to treat it 


          I know how you feel with cancer and your thoughts about it. 
          I have thyroid cancer in my lungs. Permanent breathing tubes because the cancer had taken up a bit of my right lung. Cancer sucks. Not being able to breathe sucks. Chemo sucks. Losing your hair sucks. But the positive thing about it is we have a chance at life if only we have hope and we keep on fighting.


@survivingaway Thank you so much  for replying. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I just didn't see this long message inside all of the rip comments and notifications coming in. Thank you for that advice on how to deal with her death. It helped. I hope your doing well and you stay postive


this message may be offensive
that statement is the freakin truth. Half the days were stuck in bed, and we get to the point where we almost feel bad for ourselves. But it's honestly these kind of comments that shock us back to reality. Because you know cancer does suck. And all these things truly suck. But those reminders of positivity are what keep us going. Despite how we feel. Despite what these diseases are doing to our bodies. Despite our odds. And we could never repay you enough for saying those types of comments. (OMG this never sent!!!! We typed this two weeks ago but it didn't go through. And now it's too late. We are so so so sorry for your loss. We know what it means to go through this. And we know how hard it can be. And the only true advice we can give you, is to remember she is in a better place where cancer doesn't exist and she can breathe freely, and to use that as a way to give you peace of mind #RIP) 


Dear writers of the book "Life in the hospital"
          Prepare for a long somehow broken message, grammar mistakes and a page out of my life.
          Today I read your stories. At first I couldn't believe I was reading a non-fictional story. The stories I read about cancer are fictional but this one was just...I can't really describe it. 
          Sadly enough life doesn't let us choose how we want to live. Why do bad things happen to good people? Some say you just picked the wrong ticket from the lotery. I refuse to believe that. I'm not going to say that I know how you all feel and how you all doing. I guess I'm lucky to be a girl who has......actually had a normal life. This isn't about me but I want you to know this. I'm still coping with it and people are not always ready to hear a sad story. I'm telling you because I feel relieved sometimes to tell my story.This is the part I'm going to share my story.Like I said before, It isn't about me. 
          My uncle had throat cancer 4 years ago. He was cured. Note on the side: he smoked his whole life and is still doing it. My grandfather(my mums father) suffered from a heart attack 7 years before that. His survived but lost 70% of his heartmussle. He drank his whole life and eventually died from cancer three years ago. Two months after my father found out he too had cancer. He never had the chance to fight because he was already in his last stage. He died three months later. He was very healthy, didn't smoke,...Now three years later a good friend of my relapsed and I'm still coping with the loss of my father. He was my rock and he just suddenly went. I don't want pity or condolences. They are worth nothing. Just to know that you read this makes me feel a little better. People who are prepared ro stand still for a moment and listen are worth gold.