
Hi guys. I don't know if you got the notification or not, but I put up an update. It isn't a chapter, don't get excited, but I promise you I'm working on it. Thank you so much for staying, if you have stayed, and if you haven't, I don't blame you. I love you, and if you ever want to talk, my door is always open! :)


Hi guys. I don't know if you got the notification or not, but I put up an update. It isn't a chapter, don't get excited, but I promise you I'm working on it. Thank you so much for staying, if you have stayed, and if you haven't, I don't blame you. I love you, and if you ever want to talk, my door is always open! :)


Hola my beautiful nachos :D 
          So yeah. I put up a new chapter yesterday. I'm so sorry for the long absence, I didn't mean for it to get that long. I just had a lot of stuff happening.. yeah. 
          But it's up now! And I'm working on the next chapter too so I'll try to have that up when I can. 
          Again, I'm really sorry for the long hiatus. It was terrible and I'm sorry. I'll try not to do anything like that again. 
          Okay this is getting weird. I wrote this message once before like ten minutes ago and then I realized that it didn't send the message properly >.< But yes. I said what I had to. 
          Kay thanks bai ily guiseeeee
          ~Simmi Howell<33 


          I know I haven't put up a chapter, but I'm so sorry D: I just recently started high school and my first big project is due soon and I might not upload this Friday either. I promise I haven't stopped completely. You'll still see updates from me, just maybe less frequently. Again, I'm really sorry guys, but I always put my education before my freelance projects. I'll try to get a chapter up this Friday, but again, I make no promises. 
          Thanks for understanding :)


Okay, so I uploaded chapter 7 yesterday! I dunno if you got the email or not... if you did, don't be fooled by the title, the chapter IS done. It just published itself before I got to change the title.
          I dunno, it's being screwy.
          Anyway, thanks for understanding~


Hey i made a few slight changes to the first chapter of Suffering and Recovering.Nothing big, I just gave Eli and Dom last names. and i'll update asap, but Wattpad is being a douche and deleted half of the chapter that I was supposed to upload on Friday. I didn't notice then, because I just got back yesterday from Bermuda, and I was unpacking all day. I get on the computer today, and this is what I see. Sorry for the delay guys, but I'm working on it. Ily bbys :)
          Kisses and hugs and other sweet stuff,