
It's been a while so let's kick it off again


So tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to be 17 like how am I 17 I still look like I'm 12. I'm not even that mature. How on earth am I 17. Okay well if I got any birthday twins message me on here I think it would be cool to have a birthday twin. 


SOOOOO I was creeping on my 10 followers and realised that you are not one of them so if you could fix that it would be great if not I will make it my mission in life to make sure we never have a ouji bored ice cream party in your room ever again. K? Thanks. Bye


@Kinzyistryingkindof ahahaha im sorry i thought i was following you i will make sure to follow you and i think we need to do the ouji board in my room again just no ice cream and we need to do it the right way lol 


So i was reading a story yesterday and I got to the end and got upset because the story wasn't over and when I went to go message the author to ask them to please update it I realized it was my story and then I felt bad because I kinda just left everyone hanging. Heck I even forgot all about the story it was like I was reading it for the very first time.