
@xxxreviewerxxx  Hello!  The story's back ^@^ chapter by chapter will be here entirely.


Hopefully the more you update the more notice people will take of this story again. I think it should be shared with everyone.


Hahaha, don't worry, it's still a good one.


Oh hey, I've just read over my review. It's full of spelling errors.  I'm so sorry... All I can say is, I hadn't had my coffee yet.


Whoaaaa, such a nice job there, thank you a lot!!! Really, you're right, I felt like something was missing from the plot details and Ruth was a bit too strong for a kidnapped young lady LOL. Also, Luthias and Ruth ....they might have a heart blee...sorry, heart melting ending^^ *tease*. Thank you again, I will update soon and also edit a bit from the start.


I'm so glad that you updated. I know you are busy with life, but when I first read this story I was truly captivated by it. Whenever you have time please continue it and ultimately I hope you complete it. Then you should publish it. As you truly are a talented writer.


Thank you, thank you and, again, thank you ^_^ I'm so happy when I read this XD I will update it, then I will try to finish it as well.


Hi I just noticed that 'Do Not Die Before I Do' has been removed. I hope that you re-post this story as it was well written and the characters were well developed. I was attached to the characters and was waiting for them to eventually reunite. As for the spelling errors I hardly saw any and I've seen a lot worse on this site.
          Any I hope the story is back soon. 


Dear friends :) I will delete "Do not die before I do" due to my many spelling errors and others on the way. Don't worry, I will rewrite and there are few chances to change something, but who knows?! It will be re-posted here soon.