
hey guys. so i know i haven't updated the Justin Hills or Laxus' fanfics. and im so sorry. but im working on a few more fanfics. Three acutally. The fanfics are about: Dean Winchester, SPN. Danny Wheeler, Baby Daddy. and John Young, The Tomorrow People. im so exited :3 cant wait for you to see them!


please continue a monster that shall be tamed, don't stop it


@Imperfectionist23 hey! I know I said I was going to leave it like that, but I can't really just leave it, so worry not. I will update soon. I'm still working on a few more which makes it a little bit harder, but I will totally update. Thanks for the support ♡


hey guys. so i know i haven't updated the Justin Hills or Laxus' fanfics. and im so sorry. but im working on a few more fanfics. Three acutally. The fanfics are about: Dean Winchester, SPN. Danny Wheeler, Baby Daddy. and John Young, The Tomorrow People. im so exited :3 cant wait for you to see them!


Hello my beauuutiful bunnies. i would like to inform that I will soon update my two stories. Justin Hills and Laxus fanfics. Hopefully I will post a new story which is a Niklaus (The Originals) Fanfic. And I am still thinking of making an OC. So... thats about it for now


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