
Ok I am gonna go ahead and finish up my book Under The Stars cause I really wanna finish it so I hope y'all aren't too sad that it is so short :/ Anyways I love you guys!! - sunnysadup 


Oki so guys I think I fixed the problem. So most of you guys have told me you can't see my stories on my profile and idk why...but I created a reading list with my books on it so check it out if you want and tell me if you can see it there or not. 
          If not then I will have to try and find some way to fix it. So I decided for my book called Under The Stars I'm gonna update once I day for that and on my other book called 11:11 I'm gonna update twice a day on that...
          Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I also hope you enjoy reading my books!! Suggest any books to me and I'll try to make time to read them. Ily person reading this XD  - sunnysadup