heyyyy, i bought the book on amazon kindle and just wanted to know if the ending changed? i dont remember much from the ending when it was on wattpad so going to reread it was fun. but, the ending was very abrupt, it felt like something was missing? i dont know if thats amazon or what but it ends mid conversation with pierson and hanan talking about sylvia and dakota with senior salute. we dont know whos targetung sylvia and then it goes into the books acknowledgements. its so jarring because it cuts right at mid convo. now im a bit hazy but i feel like we knew more in the wattpad book about everything. but if not you can ignore this. im just really curious cause it feels like i paid money for something that was... unfinished. but that feels wrong because i feel like we had the answers when it was on wattpad! so im just super duper confused and don't know if you know. but hope you can clarify! anyways great book! enjoyed myself been one of my favorites since middle school. have a good day! :)

@sadkyoto hi! The ending is actually the same as it was on wattpad when I wrote it at 17. If anything, the published version when it was on Amazon as a self published book had a different ending and maybe that’s what you recall? Not too sure. I was told to keep this version of the ending because there will be a second book, and they stated that the way it was before simply gave too much away. I deeply apologize for the way you feel. Dismissing Dakota is still on wattpad, and that does start with who did the senior salute towards Sylvia in the first 5 chapters. Once more, I am sorry that you feel like you didn’t finish a complete story.