
Hey. I'm bak, but idk yet if I'm going to update soon, but at least I'm bak. I have a yt channel called Sugacooki. Type the name in and push the name again and you all will kno its me. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I will try to p!ease y'all like always


Hey. I'm bak, but idk yet if I'm going to update soon, but at least I'm bak. I have a yt channel called Sugacooki. Type the name in and push the name again and you all will kno its me. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I will try to p!ease y'all like always


Alrighty then ppl, im bak. But im here to say that im taking a new route on Wattpad. Instead of u guys waiting months for a story from me, im gonna start putting my works of poetry. Starting saturday, every week i will post a new work ive done. Hope yall enjoy


Thank you for the follow :D and I really hope you enjoy my story


@sugacooki18 Thank you and I hope you continue to write and show Wattpad what you got 


@zombieplayz i hope so too. Keep up the good work. 


*stories xD