
Guess who just flunked a Math exam 


'Sup guys, I need help....books. That's right. Books. I need help finding online sites that let me read book ON THE SITE, AND ARE COMPLETE! Because my,my,MY IS IT HARD.....*aghem* thank you for your time, please respond if you have any recomendations :)


(OH AND AND I FORGOT TO MENTIONE THIS: Books like: Ballad &Dagger, or Circe.....because I really want to read those, and if you have other sites apart from Wattpad for fanfics please do tell!)


Ok so I reread the last book of ToA and I’m wondering when did Nico go to Tartarus before the Doors of Death bc in the part where he, Will, Apollo, and Rachel are at the campfire after Apollo got to godhood he mentions he went there ‘the FIRST time’ and that he met 2 beings could be a Titan(s) or a Titan and a demigod or monsters and it’s got me think if the book Rick is gonna release is abt the Irish Mythology one or Crossover with tKC bc when Apollo was on his way to fight Python Chiron said that he had discussed ‘Similar Problems’ with a severed head and a cat(could be Bas) the severed head could be from MC but I haven’t read that one so the book (comes out on 2023) could also be a crossover and the Tartarus problem with Nico.
          Also if I’m correct I don’t know if the 2023 book is gonna be the Solangelo book or another book. Though I have high hopes for the Solangelo option since it was said that it would be set in the PJ universe. But that’s enough of my rant.
          I hope you all a great Father’s Day ! I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy summer despite the heat.  If you have any theories feel free to comment them!


It's fine there are some big plots in there so you have been warned


@Ravenpuff_cupcake Wow I really need to catch up. I've only read PJ and HOO. Heh