
Update I'm just done with my master's, moving countries and writing a new book that I hope I can publish one day 


I am the type of person who didn't dare talk to the crush I had for 2 years... so I funking hate it when boys get free as if they can be friendly with me. I'm just NOT funking comfortable is that soHARD to UNDERSTANDAM AGGHHHH.  It's so upsetting to have to remind people of THEIR boundaries.


This month I have been totally out of focus with my work. I have no idea what's happening but I sit in front of the laptop totally ignoring my work. I love working but my minds all over the place. I am trying to work, I am but I am unable to focus...
          I will go try again now


If someone suddenly disappears from your life, on a good note, you do remember that friend from time to time. Provided the disappearance was on a good note and very sudden.
          I have had a student, a good friend simply disappear. I sometimes wonder if it was because of something I said or perhaps I was too old to be his friend... I sure as hell wish it wasn't because of something bad happening to him... but whatever be the case he disappeared while our friendship was still nice and now from time to time I do remember and pray for him. 
          I have taught a lot of people, but made only one friend among them... so it's a little sad to have him disappear but that's life I guess. People stay if they want to, and don't if they don't. 
          One thing is for sure though, as teachers, we really care for each of our students. I never knew why some of my teachers were so nice to me... but now I know. it comes from within, you just really want to give your best and help your students grow.


Once I post something, I get over it hehe good for me