
Tonight I am going to post a few of the short stories and pieces I wrote when I took creative writing at A Level. Hoping some sort of feedback might motivate me to write again :)


...I want to say I'm gonna start writing again but I've been saying that for almost 2 years now. I think I'm just scared to incase I'm crap now because I'm out of practice. That's not a particularly good reason not to write though, so I guess we'll see. 
          It's not like im popular on here or have an active fanbase, I never did really. But even if there's one person out there that's ever thought "What happened to that girl who wrote that Tobuscus fanfic on" or "what happened to that 5SOS girl on wattpad", I'm here. I'm here and I want to do something, for myself and for the people who used to read my stuff and tell me how much they enjoyed it, because those people brought me such joy and I was happy I brought them joy too. 


I'm 20. I've not really written since I was 15. I did pieces in creative writing back when I did A levels, but nothing - nothing I didn't have to do for the class. I still love writing, and I got a kindle recently so I can read again (I don't have the space for books as a uni student, or the ability to carry them all back and forth) but I just. I just haven't done it. I've not really drawn much either which, I've been drawing since I was 2. I feel like I need to post something this year, just to feel like myself again. 


I really miss posting - it's been about 5 years since I last wrote properly, and ages since I deleted all my stories. I just grew out of fanfiction and lost the mojo to create even original stories after that. I've gone through some awful stuff this year but I'm on the mend, so maybe soon I can start writing again. Love to all the people who sent me comments and votes in the past 


@starjumper_ oh my god a scifi romance would be awesome. Good luck with writing, and have fun during your break!!! :)


@Katelerz I will definitely do that <3 romance has always been my absolute fave genre, even if I'm branching out with sci fi etc I can't help but put in a love interest lol! And thank you so much, you're so sweet X I finish my second year of uni by mid may, and I'll have way way too much free time imbetween then and when 3rd year starts. I'm hoping after exams are over in may Ill feel relaxed enough to get creative again :) 


@starjumper_ Ugh I loved it so much, you were one of my fav Tobuscus authors if not my most fav (cuz I have the shittiest memory and can't exactly recall XD). But yes!!!! if you could write 30k words back then, you can def do it again, plus w better writing. If you ever decide to write original romance, please do post a notifying status so I can remember and check it out!!!


So with all this Toby turner stuff I think I'm gonna make my fanfic private for a while...:-(


@starjumper_ honestly it was terrible, and even after it was all cleared up that it wasn't true, it just destroyed him as a person and a creator. I try to watch his content nowadays but I just end up feeling sad because he seems so broken :c 


@starjumper_ man it crushed me when all the toby turner stuff happened. He was my biggest crush for years. ah what a shame