Hey guys. I'm back. But not for long. I've just come here to delete my books. It took me so long to do this cause i was so attached to them and to this site. I copied my entire book into a word document and saved it to my laptop. But I had to delete them off this site. I dont like leaving personal information or any of my stuff on the internet after i abandon an account. I can't believe how long it's been. I think i made this account in like 6th grade. So many things have happened since then. I wish i could go back to those carefree days when stress didn't exist and i was so relaxed and happy. I had so much fun on this site, making friends and sharing my writing, even though as i look back at it now it's super cringeworthy. Heck, i barely even remember what happened in the warriors series. I'll reread it someday. I'm so glad my friend Cora introduced me to the series in the first place. even though im still mad at her for letting me read Midnight, the first book in the New Prophecy series instead of forcing me to read it from the beginning like you're supposed to >:( Cora moved at the end of 7th grade and i made new friends. 8th grade was the best school year of my life, and it would've been even better if all the friends i've lost had been there too. Crap, now i'm making myself sad. ;_; There's good news though! I'm not gonna delete my account! This account is still linked to my email so i still get emails whenever someone leaves me a message or a comment. And since i dont get very many nowadays, I promise I'll respond to every single one. So I'm still here, still alive. You can talk to me whenever and about whatever you want. I dont mind if you message me about waffles, or that you got a new kitten, or even serious stuff lol. Dangit i had something else to say but i forgot...
Getting close to the word limit so i have to end this. Love you guys <3

/ o _ o \
> < / / <---------- Silverpaw says hi <3
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  • Probably laying on the couch
  • JoinedOctober 12, 2012

Last Message
stormfur11 stormfur11 Jun 26, 2016 11:10PM
Oh boy looking back at all the comments i've made and all the author's notes i wrote, i realize that i was incredibly annoying and weird as heck. Haha, i think i'll leave them there so we can laugh a...
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