
I truly at this point, don't even want to finish 'Along the way,' which is my Bughead and Riverdale fanfiction. I hate Riverdale now and I don't watch the show anymore. I haven't in like 2 years or more. But I'm finishing it, only because I've still got readers. Plus I've put twists on the character's to where they are so different from the show, but that's the point of a fanfic right? 
          	Anyways, I'm only going to be doing so many more chapters, just to get it over with. My writing will still be it's best of course because there are those who still enjoy it. 
          	But if you are still reading it can you let me know? I just want to thank those who are still sticking around even though I like never update. I appreciate those of you who do. Thank you so much. 


Please don't use rude language if you're going to be posting on my conversations page


this message may be offensive
No because why do they fucking powers 


@stickytrashcan they also have superpowers now


I truly at this point, don't even want to finish 'Along the way,' which is my Bughead and Riverdale fanfiction. I hate Riverdale now and I don't watch the show anymore. I haven't in like 2 years or more. But I'm finishing it, only because I've still got readers. Plus I've put twists on the character's to where they are so different from the show, but that's the point of a fanfic right? 
          Anyways, I'm only going to be doing so many more chapters, just to get it over with. My writing will still be it's best of course because there are those who still enjoy it. 
          But if you are still reading it can you let me know? I just want to thank those who are still sticking around even though I like never update. I appreciate those of you who do. Thank you so much. 


Please don't use rude language if you're going to be posting on my conversations page


this message may be offensive
No because why do they fucking powers 


@stickytrashcan they also have superpowers now


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Oh, I've already read Knowing Xavier Hut. So I'm excited to read this one too. I cant believe that someone as big as you on this app is thanking me for reading their story.




@That_was_grate Not your work
            Your comments


@HappyLove_1415 Thanks, but what piece of work did you like?


So for everyone that has been reading "Doing what I love" I want to know how you all are liking it? Please let me know. I don't post author notes because I think they are kind of stupid because when your reading you don't want to have to read a whole authors note.