
ton of people just added my last to their reading lists and i just wanna say thank you ❤️ stuff like that makes me smile like an idiot, you’ve got no idea 


this message may be offensive
i have this friendish guy, let’s call him darwin. darwin is in love with this girl, let’s call her jayleigh. yet, jayleigh is in love with this guy, who we’re gonna call marcus. i’m in love with marcus. jayleigh and marcus keep going on and off, obviously not working but they can’t stop because they love each other. their too blind to see me and darwin literally waiting for them. darwin self harms over jayleigh who is treating him like total garbage. i’m not going to lie and say those things haven’t crossed my mind, but i couldn’t do it. not now, probably not ever. but seeing marcus with jayleigh and say “i love you” to her really fucking hurts. it’s even worse when i feel like i can’t rant to my best friend about it because she insists on thinking i don’t “understand” when i do. i understand so well that i cant help but be almost proud of his decision. almost. all these sad songs make me think of him. all these happy songs make me think of what we could’ve been. it sucks. i’ve honestly never felt this bad in my life and it’s all bottled up because i don’t want to be called “pathetic” or “dramatic.” 


@stexerogerss youre not pathetic or dramatic. Your feelings are valid


i’ve been writing stories for as long as i can remember. like i wrote a story when i was around 6 and it was ab a reindeer that read santa’s mind, finding out that he was a bad guy, and saved christmas. my mom has that one laminated and reads it to my brothers every year. i remember another one ab a fairy who fell in love with a vampire. it didn’t end well for the poor fairy. i think i had sorta stopped writing such in depth stories for a while, but i can still think of a few short stories. now i wrote all this on paper, and then i got wattpad about two years ago. i had a different account then and i wrote fanfics ab the outsiders and 80s stuff. it was all very cringe. but then i got out of that account and made this one last year, starting to write ab magcon, cameron dallas, jacob (i don’t know how to spell his last name anymore), and shawn mendes. i stopped over the summer and then deleted all those stories before starting on my steve and 5sos stuff. i love going back and rereading all my stuff. definitely not bc it’s so well written and interesting but bc it’s got so many memories in it. it makes me think of when i wrote it, how at that point in my life that was all i wanted. for that situation to happen to me. or for that kinda boy to be with me. i have NO clue why i wrote this but it’s been on my mind :) toodaloo xx


i’ve just realized something. my writing has improved greatly and that a m a z i n g cause ya girlie used to be mega cringy (prob still am but don’t burst my bubble) anyyywwaayy like i remember (oof one of my stories check it out) when i could barley hit 500 words in one chapter and now i have a hard time getting less than 1000 and i am shishter shook bye now ndjdbdh 


fact and mood hee hee


Hiii so idk if you’re into One Direction or anything, buttt I recently began writing my first book: Torn. It only has three chapters and it would mean a lot if you could read it and maybe give it some votes & comments. Completely your choice tho!! Stay beautiful, love -Kathrine xx❤️


i looove 1d and i’ll definitely check out your story !! have a great day 