
          	Sorry for not posting an update for absolutely ages it's been over a year now so don't think I've forgotten about you I haven't! 
          	I've just had a lot on my plate with cubs and my job but my dog died that I'd known since I was a kid so I didn't feel like writing for months and haven't been too well.
          	I have written the next chapter and I am currently writing the one after but have only a few chapters of the story to go so didn't think it would be fair on all of you to update one chapter to them have to wait ages for the next one. 
          	Thank you for your patience, if there is anybody still reading/waiting for it.
          	I will try get the last few chapters done in the next few months and update HOPEFULLY by Christmas. Fingers crossed 
          	Thanks again,
          	Stephanie aka author of ' My Werewolf Gene ' 


          Sorry for not posting an update for absolutely ages it's been over a year now so don't think I've forgotten about you I haven't! 
          I've just had a lot on my plate with cubs and my job but my dog died that I'd known since I was a kid so I didn't feel like writing for months and haven't been too well.
          I have written the next chapter and I am currently writing the one after but have only a few chapters of the story to go so didn't think it would be fair on all of you to update one chapter to them have to wait ages for the next one. 
          Thank you for your patience, if there is anybody still reading/waiting for it.
          I will try get the last few chapters done in the next few months and update HOPEFULLY by Christmas. Fingers crossed 
          Thanks again,
          Stephanie aka author of ' My Werewolf Gene ' 


          Sorry about the wait on the next chapter of My Werewolf Gene, I've been really busy and currently 3 pages into writing it and my favourite chapter so far, and I want to try make it as perfect as possible and I've also been working a lot lately with training for the job and then 12 hour shifts so I've been too tired to write but I have the next 2 days off so I'll try get round to righting more of the chapter.
          Sorry for the long delay, but It will be up A.S.A.P.


So I'm nearly done writing Chapter 21 of My Werewolf Gene and as soon as I've done it and I'm free to use my laptop I'll upload the chapter so it should be within the next week or so, sorry for the wait guys! I apologize for the wait and I mean it!!


Sorry I haven't updated My Werewolf Gene to chapter 20 but I've been busy I've had work so I haven't had time to write it but as soon as I do it will be up A.S.A.P!
          PS:- I'd also just like to say a huge thank you for everyone for getting me to 6K reads, I never thought I'd get 1K let alone 6K! :D xx