
Hello, everyone! No, I'm not dead and no, I don't plan to leave Wattpad. Just a quick announcement to anyone who cares:
          	These past two or three months have been very hectic for me, both in real life and on Wattpad. 
          	My mother has recently lost her uncle, and while I never knew him, it had such an effect on her and the entire house that things have been very depressing for a while. Although this past month, things have been looking up entirely. I've been making up school work I missed, and getting my grades back to where I wanted them to be. Any existing relationships have been strengthened, and newly formed relationships are working perfectly. Things have been going great for me.
          	But on Wattpad, things haven't been so well. I've lost a lot of inspiration for anything I planned to do on here. Friends have been leaving this site in great numbers, or are on a haitus that will last a while. And apparently, Wattpad is removing PMs??? What's even to enjoy anymore?
          	I was considering deleting my account entirely and taking a weight off my shoulders when I realized- Wattpad isn't a weight. It's where I made the most memories over the years. If I hadn't stumbled over this site two years ago looking for Mitsukou stories, I wouldn't be the person I am today. So I have to thank Wattpad. And thank all of you on here(especially you, @ANotStraightLine )
          	I have to leave now, but more later today.
          	-Stella <3


Hey, it’s faerie! I can see you’ve been going through a lot- it’s good to know you’re still thinking of returning! I’m very sorry for your family’s loss but it’s wonderful to hear you’re doing well otherwise. It’s truly a shame that online things have been going downhill but I’m glad you’ve made the decision to stay! I haven’t known you for very long but throughout our interactions you’ve been very kind and I like you for that. Have a nice rest of your day :’)
          	  - yours, faerie
          	  (P.S: I’m willing to continue that roleplay when you have the chance to get on. Life happens yk?)


Where to start? First of all, I'm sorry for the loss. I sympathize with your mother, also having lost and uncle recently. Second, it's great that you're achieving what you want to achieve and life is in your favor. It's a struggle, so good job :D 
          	  Wattpad removing pms is so stupid- but I heard there are a few petitions up to stop it from happening. And I feel like Watts also been getting a bit... Bland for me. I relate cause nothing really new is happening and I've had no inspiration to write or read anything. Maybe it's just that the novelty of when we first joined the platform has worn off.
          	  And lastly, you're so welcome!!! You were my first real real friend on here!
          	  I hope you have a great day :) <3


Hello, everyone! No, I'm not dead and no, I don't plan to leave Wattpad. Just a quick announcement to anyone who cares:
          These past two or three months have been very hectic for me, both in real life and on Wattpad. 
          My mother has recently lost her uncle, and while I never knew him, it had such an effect on her and the entire house that things have been very depressing for a while. Although this past month, things have been looking up entirely. I've been making up school work I missed, and getting my grades back to where I wanted them to be. Any existing relationships have been strengthened, and newly formed relationships are working perfectly. Things have been going great for me.
          But on Wattpad, things haven't been so well. I've lost a lot of inspiration for anything I planned to do on here. Friends have been leaving this site in great numbers, or are on a haitus that will last a while. And apparently, Wattpad is removing PMs??? What's even to enjoy anymore?
          I was considering deleting my account entirely and taking a weight off my shoulders when I realized- Wattpad isn't a weight. It's where I made the most memories over the years. If I hadn't stumbled over this site two years ago looking for Mitsukou stories, I wouldn't be the person I am today. So I have to thank Wattpad. And thank all of you on here(especially you, @ANotStraightLine )
          I have to leave now, but more later today.
          -Stella <3


Hey, it’s faerie! I can see you’ve been going through a lot- it’s good to know you’re still thinking of returning! I’m very sorry for your family’s loss but it’s wonderful to hear you’re doing well otherwise. It’s truly a shame that online things have been going downhill but I’m glad you’ve made the decision to stay! I haven’t known you for very long but throughout our interactions you’ve been very kind and I like you for that. Have a nice rest of your day :’)
            - yours, faerie
            (P.S: I’m willing to continue that roleplay when you have the chance to get on. Life happens yk?)


Where to start? First of all, I'm sorry for the loss. I sympathize with your mother, also having lost and uncle recently. Second, it's great that you're achieving what you want to achieve and life is in your favor. It's a struggle, so good job :D 
            Wattpad removing pms is so stupid- but I heard there are a few petitions up to stop it from happening. And I feel like Watts also been getting a bit... Bland for me. I relate cause nothing really new is happening and I've had no inspiration to write or read anything. Maybe it's just that the novelty of when we first joined the platform has worn off.
            And lastly, you're so welcome!!! You were my first real real friend on here!
            I hope you have a great day :) <3


          .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -.- -. --- .-- / .- / ... . -.-. .-. . - ..--.. / .... . .-. . / .. - / .. ... ---... / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.- / -... .- .-. -.-


this message may be offensive
holy shit being in a relationship gave me so much energy i want to use it to write.
          How many of you would want a gxg short story in the next week or so?


@stellxrstxr nah, not really- I like any kind of gxg (as long as it isn't like weird or toxic)


@St0ry_T311er cool! do you have any specific genres or anything?


my ex roblox boyfriend joined my game while my friend and i were playing and it was so scary because i was like 8 when we were "together" .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.


@ANotStraightLine the fact that i didn't even notice it was on mine until you said something


omg i was supposed to put this on my converstation board oop




hey bestie happy national earmuff day- (o゜▽゜)o☆


@ANotStraightLine im sorry im late but happy earmuff day to you too!!!!! also hope you had great pie on pi day(◕ヮ◕)