
It has taken god knows how many years but I have FINALLY got pretty much everything planned for the rewrite of Feel Again. Hopefully will have enough chapters written to publish on a regular basis. How exciting! It's not like you've all been waiting since 2014...


It has taken god knows how many years but I have FINALLY got pretty much everything planned for the rewrite of Feel Again. Hopefully will have enough chapters written to publish on a regular basis. How exciting! It's not like you've all been waiting since 2014...


Doing some editing today. I know I said I would publish some chapters in the summer but that evidently didn't happen. Whoops. 
          Anyhow, would you readers prefer me to upload all the edited chapters at once or individually?
          Please let me know!


Making my way through all the chapters of Feel Again here on Wattpad. Sorry it is taking so long. I just want to ensure that the background story and information is all correct so that when I'm up to date it should all be much easier to write chapters.
          Thank you again for your patience,


Going to be off Wattpad for a while due to exams etc. and school in general. Sorry for the late notice and for disappearing off the face of the Earth for two months. 
          I hope to be back up and running by the summer once I have finished school and I intend to do some serious editing to FA. I also plan to write some chapters in advance so that when I upload a chapter, it is to the best possible standard. Because of this, the storyline may face some big changes but I'll try and make as few of these as possible for all the readers that have stuck with me until now.
          Once again, SORRY! But as always, thank you so much for your support and for putting up with my hectic and rather random uploads. See you in a few months!
          Evie -x-


Chapter 18 is up! I'm not too sure about the ending but I wanted to find a way to link this chapter on-wards to Maura's 'prediction' in Chapter 5.
          Let me know what you think. It will most likely be edited at a later stage.
          Many thanks and ta ta!


The edited versions of  chapters 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 have been published. Very few changes have been made other than paragraphing. 
          No more updates for today. The rest of the edited chapters will be published tomorrow along with (hopefully) Chapter 18, which I am summing up now. 
          Thank you for the support and ta ta!