
Are all my followrs dead?


this message may be offensive
Well. I wonder if I'll ever get a friend with whom I can share all my shits with. A friend who will share their shits with me. Me and that person will cry together laugh together smile together live our life to the fullest together , I do have many friends and I can't be more grateful for that but they can't see my face and they don't know if I really mean the things I'm saying or I'm just again joking , I fear getting "okay" & "yes" to my deepest traumas , it honestly just makes me feel like shit and I feel like I'm probably too bothersome but certainly I'm still unknown it , I have always wanted a good friend irl like god when.


IM NOT ABLE TO LOG INTO ANY OF MY INSTAGRAM ACC wtf  I'll be back there officially after 3-4 days ig until then I'll use mummy's phone so that I'll look alive  I kinda miss Instagram add bye