
Hi there! To everyone wondering what has become of this account and the series we're working on, please do not worry as we are STILL in the process of continuing it. School has recently started for both of us, and managing to write while keeping up with the demand for school is quite draining. We are still working on current chapters, and we have majority (80%) of the second book planned out. We just need time. Plenty of it because writing has not been coming to us naturally like it had when we wrote ATOD. But we aren't giving up on writing, and we have so many plans for future books, so please bear with us as we try to process through school time and writing books 


Hi there! To everyone wondering what has become of this account and the series we're working on, please do not worry as we are STILL in the process of continuing it. School has recently started for both of us, and managing to write while keeping up with the demand for school is quite draining. We are still working on current chapters, and we have majority (80%) of the second book planned out. We just need time. Plenty of it because writing has not been coming to us naturally like it had when we wrote ATOD. But we aren't giving up on writing, and we have so many plans for future books, so please bear with us as we try to process through school time and writing books 


Hi y’all! Wanted to let you guys know that me and foxy have a Instagram and TikTok account :>
          For the Instagram we’ll post updates on chapters for ATOD and also hints and ideas for future series.
          For the TikTok account is a bit different, we have a third owner of the TikTok account, Crow. On the TT we will post scenes of ATOD with our discord WCUE film group. Also some random edits and stuff of our morphs
          Btw, our discord film group is always looking for more people so if your interested just click the discord link in our bio! :)
          TikTok: @capyow
          Instagram: starling_gaze