
hey guys I don't know if you noticed but I posted the final chapter of A Coldplayer's Dream. I am so happy to be bak on way toad and I'm sorry I've been kinda dead for a while. quite a bit of crazy stuff has gone down and now I'm back and I'm good and I'm going to start a johnlock fan fiction. For those who don't know johnlock is John Watson and Sherlock Holmes and I'm basing it off of Sherlock the amazing program on the BBC!!!! ily byeee


hey guys I don't know if you noticed but I posted the final chapter of A Coldplayer's Dream. I am so happy to be bak on way toad and I'm sorry I've been kinda dead for a while. quite a bit of crazy stuff has gone down and now I'm back and I'm good and I'm going to start a johnlock fan fiction. For those who don't know johnlock is John Watson and Sherlock Holmes and I'm basing it off of Sherlock the amazing program on the BBC!!!! ily byeee


I spent at least 10 minutes a day staring at all the coldplay cds I own, ever though its only two.


@rizelsia exactlyyyy, just taking a second to feel blessed 


@coldplayforever just wanna take a moment to appreciate its beauty, right? 


@coldplayforever i feel u, my friend 


Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't done anything on here in a long time. I'm sorry to my fans who I haven't fanned back. I feel bad. Please forgive me. I've got homework now and I'm super tired and just....goodnight. again sorry for being lazy!