
All my books have basically been out on hold for at least half a year - I got a job which is pretty time consuming and I bought a house which I’ve been renovating so I’m absolutely knackered all the time balancing everything out but I will be trying harder once I’m settled with the big move to start writing again- I missed it SO MUCH 


All my books have basically been out on hold for at least half a year - I got a job which is pretty time consuming and I bought a house which I’ve been renovating so I’m absolutely knackered all the time balancing everything out but I will be trying harder once I’m settled with the big move to start writing again- I missed it SO MUCH 


I am on a short vacation this week, so no work  for me. I can’t wait to have a break from everything. I might update Augusta and The King tonight or tomorrow but it will be super late at night uk time as I’m being 100% family oriented x
          Peace out x