
@babyx2k it's going to be updated today! Sorry for the long wait 


Your book ' La La La' is honestly my priority and you haven't updated in ages and it's slowly killing me.. :(( 


@babyx2k hey, I'm in the process of writing it. I just have this school thing going on so I'm super busy. It'll be updated soon. Most likely Saturday or Sunday est standard time


Hi, I've been reading your books on the other account and I just wanted to say your writing is amazing. All I pretty much do all day is read your books, they help me a lot and I relate to a lot of them. Anyways I hope you keep get a book published because I would love to read it.  Keep writing!❤


I hate July 4th like America is one of the worst countries in my opinion. I've seen what horrible things happen right in our front yard and the corruption that takes place. I also don't agree with many choices made by the countries leaders. Instead of focusing on international affairs, we need to fix our own domestic issues; the issues that are affect our own citizens. 
          America is suppose to represent freedom, but why do I feel held captive to the mistakes our leaders are making. The same mistakes they will have an effect on my future and determine the way my children live. For that reason I can't truly celebrate this day because it only represents the start of errors that hurt not only the citizens of this country, but citizens of other countries. 


@xoxtinaaxox Hey sorry about the other book. I took it down because I really love the idea and I hope for it to be published. I've been writing it on wattpad but I haven't uploaded it because I don't want my idea stolen since it isn't copywrited. Hopefully it'll be published and you can read it then but until then I only have A Celebrity Sized Lie up. Sorry.