
/  bring back it rp


;     i missed this  
          adonis scaled the bar    ,    his dark eyes flitting around the strobe lit room hoping to spot a woman to treat himself to tonight      .    as soon as the thought filled his brain it left as he spotted a woman sat at the bar    ,    a dress adorning her airbrushed skin    ,    her curves and the waves in her hair catching his attention    .   the 6’’5 god wondered through the bar    ,    leaning against the side of the wooden table   ,    “     hello doll   ,   reckon i could buy a pretty girl a drink    ?    ”   he asked her    ,    his tongue darting out across his bottom lip     . 


@spitonderry ;    sorry been at college 
            “      cute name    ,    my names adonis    ,     don’t really have a surname i suppose     ”    he shrugged    ,    nursing the frosted glass of amber liquid that was in his hand    ,    his grey eyes looking intently at the girl infront of him    .    “    what do you do for a living then maika   ?   ”    for once he felt he should actually get to know a girl    .    


@-satanicpxnic            maika !   maika like criss   .   * she smiled at the man ,  still .   dolly like eyes complemented by cartoon bats of her curled eyelashes.  plump lips rested in a smile categorized with a natural pout.  though her eyes continued to trace him,  even she couldn’t deny how attractive he really was.*    like what’s your name ? 


            “    oh   ,   sorry doll i didn’t realise    ”   he replied quickly    ,    internally shouting at himself for just suggesting that    .    “    i’ll get you a water then    ”    he told her    ,     signalling the bartender ordering a water and a whiskey for himself     .     “    so    ,    what’s your name then doll    ?    ”    he asked    ,    pushing the water towards her    .  


"Hey, hey. You okay? You're all [...] shaken up. I don't think I've ever seen you so {scared} before."
          //I forgot to actually drop because that first starter was sent before you commented, lmao + O was imagining this scene as, like, post Pennywise encounter or maybe when she tells him about IT, whatever you want <3


            He took a minute to process what she said, nodding slightly to himself. "Well, if he's talking {nonsense} you should be concerned. So no, it's not dumb to be scared after something like that. [...] Do you remember what he said?"


@itcame     )      like victor came like home and .. started like talking like about like nonsense stuff .  and like -  i .. i'm like scared ,  is that like dumb ?