
*  /     CB FOR ONE - LINER 


“i /may/ have ditched harry to come help you out,” LIYAH MARTIN walked into her favorite agent's office with a slightly tired smile spread across her face. “it's alright, though, he's practically dead due to the way he's sleeping!” she let out a small laugh, taking a seat right on top of the woman's desk. 


the teenage girl shook her head in disbelief, not believing in marks to do such a thing at all. “he's in /love/ with you, sawyer! he wouldn't do anything of the sort! he's . . .” she trailed off, not wanting to say the word. “. . . he's not a /cheater/.” she flinched as she said the word, practically hurting her heart as she did so.


@justderry `
            Sawyer sighed slowly, her face turning slightly red, before clearing her throat to get rid of the lump in it.  "This is probably inappropriate for me to tell you, but I wanted to let you know why I am leaving Derry,"  She shook her head again,  "I feel like an idiot. Of course, he would go for his ex.  &  everyone time I mentioned him & I being engaged, Murphy gave me the silent treatment."


the brunette took in the information slowly, frowning as she caught on completely. “i'm gonna kill ‘im.” she simply said, her voice as low as a whisper. “. . . and whoever the woman is.”
            / i love u more!!!


i know what’s taken these kids .   and god , you’re going to think i’m insane but you’re someone who can help stop this . 


this message may be offensive
@derryshistory `
            *   the woman nodded gently as she 
            rose her shoulder in a small shrug   *
            honestly , i still would like to refuse that
            it was really that  ' thing '  but it is hard 
            when you get drug down the sewers 
            yourself , are stuck there , your life 
            getting suck from your soul ,  &  the
            only reason you are up here with the
            living is because a group of fifteen
            year old's beat the shit out of IT with
            debris  &  ' friendship '       *   sawyer 
            then took her  paper cup of coffee to
            her lips   &   took a sip of the hot drink
            casually , as if the women were at a book
            club discussing themes from a jane austen
            or mary shelley novel  -  she was 
            desensitized  *  listen , IT is gone , the case
            is closed , my superiors laughed at me .


,,         right   .   .   .       i dealt with it twenty - seven years ago   .     and for awhile ,  i refused to believe it was really that thing but it is  .    


@derryshistory `
            because you're late in your investigation . 
            marks  &  i witnessed this a year ago with
            last year's investigation . it just doesn't sound good as formal headline .


sawyer   ⁠—   its been a while   .


            i have been recovering .  my first day out
            actually , enjoying the fresh air  &  some
            files .  everyone looks at me like i am a
            ghost but i understand  .


been holding up just fine   ,   char   .   keeping up with maddie's garden has definitely helped   .   how about you   ?   how've you been   ?


            hopper ,  hey ,  uh -    yeah , it has been 
            a while .    how have you been holding up ?


agent  s - sawyer  ,  i  th - think  i'm  in  t - t - trouble  .


@stutteringhorrors `
            *   Sawyer began to retrieve some cloths
            &  wet them with some water before moving towards him to start wiping the
            blood from his hands  *   something bad ?


th - this  isn't  m - muh - my  blood  .   *   stumbling  a  bit  as  he  walked  along  ,  dark  eyes  blown  wide  ,  the  boy's  breathing  was  obviously  labored  up  until  they  reached  the  room  furthest  back  in  the  station  ,  suddenly  hauntingly  calm  as  the  door  shut  behind  them  both   *   i - i  did  something  /  b - b - bad  /  .


@stutteringhorrors `
            *  she tried to stay calm with her approach
            as she tried to tend to the boy , guiding
            him to the back , isolated room of the 
            station , although horror could be seen
            in her eyes  *   what do you mean , Billy ?


this  town  is  starting  to  swarm  with  redheads  .


@tirednurses `
            *   the corners of her lips turned up , 
            laughing softly for the first time since 
            she had been missing   &  found    *
            no worries , there are too many names
            for too many things anyways .


charlie  .   i  like  that  .    if  i  start  calling  you  '  cha  -  cha  '    ,   don't  complain  complain  ,   sometimes  names  are  just  heard  to  remember  sometimes  .   i  almost  forgot  my  own  brother's  name  the  other  day  too  .


@tirednurses `
            pleasure meeting you ,  ' jo ' .   yeah ,
            i am special agent sawyer from the 
            bureau    -     but I am off duty so for
            you I am just charlie . 