
helloooooo! I have received many many dm's about all the chapters I took down to edit...and because I have had no time to edit them I have just republished them all again! enjoy reading you lovely lot xx


You guys better get excited about the future of this story as I have just planned out what is going to happen in the next couple of chapters and I can tell for sure that it is going to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride :)
          P.S over the holiday, I think I am gonna update more as I have no school work and I have no social life so expect several extra chapters here and there too.


hey guys! so I was wondering if I should come up with some sort of update schedule? because at the moment I am only updating when I have finished a chapter but recently with extra time on my hands,  I have finished a bunch of chapters that are ready to be read.
          so if you want me to come up with some sort of day and time, be sure to let me know xx