
Sorry for not updating any of my books recently, this month has been really hard just overall, but I'm excited to give you all new content for hopefully all my books this summer! Speaking of summer, I have a new book (I know I'm a bad author) called summer it's a Haikyuu fan fiction along with being an x reader story as well, so please check it out. Also for long time readers of my account adopted by Phan reached  9k not to long ago which shocks me. 
          	I'll hopefully update all my books soon have a great week everyone ❤️


Sorry for not updating any of my books recently, this month has been really hard just overall, but I'm excited to give you all new content for hopefully all my books this summer! Speaking of summer, I have a new book (I know I'm a bad author) called summer it's a Haikyuu fan fiction along with being an x reader story as well, so please check it out. Also for long time readers of my account adopted by Phan reached  9k not to long ago which shocks me. 
          I'll hopefully update all my books soon have a great week everyone ❤️


Almost have a new chapter of adopted by Phan ready should be out within the next week. If you want it out sooner then get the last chapter I posted of it to 10 favorites/likes/votes or whatever they are. I will then try to post it this Sunday or Monday :)


GUYS WE JUST HIT 5K READS ON ADOPTED BY PHAN I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! On other notes I will try to be updating my story's more and continue to become a better writer in this upcoming year, also look out for a new book announcement that I should be able to tell you when it comes out! It will be written by me and two other friends of mine and I hope you all will read it when it comes out ( it will not be on my account ) lots of love and happy New Years! ❤⭐️