
hi, sorry, I know it says the last date of entry was on the 15th of July but I was still wondering if I could enter because it seems like there are a lot of comments AFTER the date. I don't know if any of those are accepted so if you could just confirm to let me know when the closing date is, that'd be awesome:)


            hey there, 
            there was a mistake on the timeline and the entries only close on 15th of august. thank you for your attention


Hi I got your message about the awards and I tried to click on your book to enter but it says unable to download, was your story removed ?


Yeah it turned out to be a glitch, Wattpad seems to be having a lot of those lately. Thanks !


            hey, no, the story wasn't removed. maybe if you try again, probably it was just a wattpad bug. if after you try again, it still doesn't work, tell me and i'll find a way to solve this