
oh boy 2020 and before 2020 me was absolutely horrendous


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i know a lot of people need to hear something like this rn so here goes: 
          while we're all physically distant from a lot of people we love right now, know that you are still loved by them and you are appreciated. there is someone out there who needs you, who loves you, and is willing to support you through everything. they're out there. you are not alone. we're all going through some shit rn but it will get better. no, nothing will be the same again, but it'll be better once we're all out of quarantine and covid 19 is contained. you will get to hug your friends again, you will get away from abusive family, you will go back to school, you will go on dates again, you will go out and party again, you will get out of this alive. i love you all and if you need someone to talk to, i'm here <3


so I've recently discovered the delightful entertainment of people playing minecraft on youtube and have, consequently, become obsessed with several minecraft youtubers. so long whatever this account was before. this account is joining the mc youtubers fandom.


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