
y'all wtf  ToT you knowwww whenever I fall off the face of this earth its not on purpose...lets just say school sucks hopefully with better luck and more time, I can post some more chapters (;﹏;)


i'm backkkk hehe


Hi, It's ok. Take your time to heal yourself first and comeback when you ready, we will wait for the next chapter and i understand your feelings because i also a writer but not in wattpad so i get the feelings you feel now. I used to be in your place and after sometimes it will go away without you notice.
          Take a good rest author 


this message may be offensive
heyyy....i'm honestly terribly terribly sorry i haven't been able to update guys. its not that i don't want to but i just havent been able to find the time to sit down and write. i got so busy and stacked up with school work and there was also some family shit that went down that made me not want to do anything overall...idk ive just been in such a slump lately but obviously now with it being summer im hoping i can get a nice fat break from stress and school. i am really hoping i can get back to writing especially since i see so much support from yall. i dont wanna let you guys down but dont worry, im not doing it bc i feel pressured to but bc i really want to. i debated writing overall bc while at first, i thought i wouldnt like it, ive come to really enjoy it. i never wouldve thought so many would like it but seeing your comments and conversations brings a smile to my face. i feel more encouraged to keep going and get myself out of my rut. i tend to have badddd writers block so please bear with me for just a little bit more. i promise to start releasing new chapters soon tho. i love each and every one of yall and thank you for continuing to support me and this story. i wont let you down!....andddd ill try to interact more too :')


@soobinsbabybutt nahh don't say sorry. u hv ur own life too. sort out everything u want to do. it's okay and take your time >⁠.⁠<


@soobinsbabybutt we love you to and can't wait for upcoming chapters!♡ make sure to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest, we all will wait patiently until you can actually publish a chapter♡ also, sorry if this sounds bad or anything since my English not good haha♡


Hi author, just coming here to ask how you're doing. Hope you're well and not to stress. Please let us know if you're okay cause it's been a while since the last time you post and I'm actually getting a little worried. But if you have any problems, STAYS are here to help. Hope you have a good day/night.