
guys I left wattpad, but i did not make these homophobic announcments. I got hacked But i recovered my account. Also yes, i am autistic dont worry i didnt lie


@sonicteec I'm so sorry that happened to you. I read some of the announcements that pos made, and they are so wrong. I don't know you that well, but you don't seem like the type of person to post that. I hope everything is going better now, if you need help or support, I'm here for you. As someone who is on the spectrum, I really strive to bring people up and make sure they do the best they can. Again, I don't know you that well, but you seem like a very nice person. I hope you had a good day!
          	  Lots of Love


@sonicteec Who hacked your account?, If someone had hacked your account report him for hacking 


@sonicteec I mean, you could just... delete them


guys I left wattpad, but i did not make these homophobic announcments. I got hacked But i recovered my account. Also yes, i am autistic dont worry i didnt lie


@sonicteec I'm so sorry that happened to you. I read some of the announcements that pos made, and they are so wrong. I don't know you that well, but you don't seem like the type of person to post that. I hope everything is going better now, if you need help or support, I'm here for you. As someone who is on the spectrum, I really strive to bring people up and make sure they do the best they can. Again, I don't know you that well, but you seem like a very nice person. I hope you had a good day!
            Lots of Love


@sonicteec Who hacked your account?, If someone had hacked your account report him for hacking 


@sonicteec I mean, you could just... delete them


this message may be offensive
If you think pretending to be dead is funny, get a life. Seriously? I bet you had people worried and yet you continued to fake your death. SERIOUSLY? You faked being autistic to get sympathy? Being autistic doesn’t get you sympathy, you get bullied and put down. Some people love that about autistic people, some don’t. They will destroy your mental health if you’re autistic. You are fucked up in the head. I can’t imagine why you’re still on here, but really, get a life bro. Your just as pathetic as I am.


@mateopflum I got hacked i got my acc back


Hey there, I looked at your youtube and just wanted to say that you seem like you have a lot of fun there. Why do you feel the need to do this? Do you want attention? Or do you actually believe these things? If the latter is true, then this isn't the way to go about sharing these thoughts. You are doing it in a rude and hateful way so if you absolutely must share these thoughts and speak your "fax", why can't you do it in a kinder way? And if you're doing this for attention, being yourself and being kind will also get you attention. And instead of being hated, you'll actually be liked. I don't hate you. I feel bad for you. Whatever is causing you to act like this, I'm very sorry. 
          I hope you have a good day,


Lol Im laughing at these gay furry retards trying to curse at me, All I said was facts.
          You guys need to learn the fax bitches...


this message may be offensive
            fuck off


this message may be offensive
Hey um guys, I aint dead, I lied, Why the hell would you think I am fucking dead. Also, I hate gay people. And furries, they are fucking mental retards that needs to get a life, get some fucking help. Don't care if I get cancelled,  Also, I ain't no autistic sped retard. I faked my autism just to get sympathy. Furries need to go and get some help, Furries should be ashamed on who they are. Same thing with gay people


@sonicteec bro help what is this go play roblox, harass them 7 year olds and get a life-


@mfcking_starman All I just said was fax lol


@sonicteec bro got emotional ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️