
hello, everyone. it has been quite a while. and so much has happened in the world since then. it’s not been the best right now. but somehow in the midst of the craziness, i got the sudden urge to publish a body of work. so i did, and it’s ongoing. 
          	a set of short stories, the collection is a series of one-shot cutesy romance stories. some of them are excerpts. some of them are longer than that. there is something for everyone. 
          	i would be so grateful if you could check it out. as always, please leave your feedback. leave a like and a comment. add it to your libraries. 
          	thank you. wish you all well. 


hello, everyone. it has been quite a while. and so much has happened in the world since then. it’s not been the best right now. but somehow in the midst of the craziness, i got the sudden urge to publish a body of work. so i did, and it’s ongoing. 
          a set of short stories, the collection is a series of one-shot cutesy romance stories. some of them are excerpts. some of them are longer than that. there is something for everyone. 
          i would be so grateful if you could check it out. as always, please leave your feedback. leave a like and a comment. add it to your libraries. 
          thank you. wish you all well. 


 #blacklivesmatter always. ALWAYS. #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd Here’s a thread of what you can do to stand with and for the black community!
          It is okay if you’re not in any position to donate! Instead, please watch this YouTube video - the ad revenue of the video will be donated to a number of associations in the description: