
If a man dates an older woman she is considered a cougar and is "digging her teeth" into younger men.  But if a younger woman dates an older man she is a gold digger.... 
          	and we don't live in a sexist world?


So there is this girl in my year that no one likes. She isn't rude of bitchy, just really socially awkward. All my friends are always making fun of her and talking behind her back. Normally stuff like this doesn't bother me, but I feel like they are only doing it because she is and easy target, she has no friends in my class and only two in the whole year level, I don't know what to do.
          Help me  


"A smile is contagious, lets spread the disease" - my dad


Thanks, this is really helpful .


@love-is-grimm try to approach her. Maybe she's just shy.


hey I just well a few days ago I updated cover 2 please read and yes now I have a second username Dgringo with my bff Fernanda but right now I'm with her well have to go bye 
          hey its Fernanda mariaarlenew bff and yes I am her other username we were friends for a long time till she moved to mexico and now I live in mexico too 


What's the name of this user?


What's your religion? I will still follow you I don't care what your religion is, I'm just really curious


My Parents are originally Aussie, they both grew up in the uniting  church. There aren't any uniting churches in New Zealand so we go to the local presbyterian church. I identify as a member of the Australian uniting church because that is what I have been raised on. I have a very open minded view on religion, and I am happy to discuss it with any one interested, but you don't need  to read my ranting so I will leave it here. I hope this helped.