
did anyone else see the dance cover that yangyang did <3__<3


          honestly, i’m terrified to let my future children grow up with social media. social media creates an unrealistic body image for today’s generation. a normal body type is completely off the chart, leaving only skinny and fat, because apparently that’s all you can be in this generation. you have to have a flat stomach, tiny waist, big hips, big boobs, a thigh gap and a big ass to fit the expectations of everyone around you. that’s not true. today’s generation are growing up with this toxic mindset of a so-called “perfect body”. we’re either called too skinny. too fat. social media is the main cause of mental disorders, such as anorexia, depression, anxiety and more. we’re constantly trying to fit in to what society thinks is perfect. we have to have clear skin, long eyelashes, big lips,‍♀️ and high, hollow cheekbones to be “pretty”. everyone is beautiful. no matter what shape, age, size, race, and colour. we’re all beautiful in our own way. but if we say “i’m beautiful” or other things to do with self-love, we’re called full of ourselves and self centered. self-love is so important. in order to love someone else, you need to love yourself first. because if you can’t love yourself, how are you going to love someone else? you’re so beyond beautiful. don’t let anyone take advantage of you, and don’t settle for anything or anyone less than you deserve. you’re loved <3


this entire message. sis you deserve the frickin world for calling this out, like