
Good morning, afternoon, evening , night.
          	i have successfully entered college and made my schedule so i could have time to finish these frinking stories! finally i will get to feed you guys and you'll be able to enjoy what i got cooking,


Good morning, afternoon, evening , night.
          i have successfully entered college and made my schedule so i could have time to finish these frinking stories! finally i will get to feed you guys and you'll be able to enjoy what i got cooking,


Hello everyone, I'm back, graduated and since I'm taking a gap year ill have time to edit and write stories.
          I just published a part 1 and I am currently writing part 2.
          Please feel free to tell me your thoughts and feelings in the comments.
          Should i include Brandon and Arnie in the stories ?


Hey guys/gals and non binary pals . I apologize for not being so active this summer, i was on a school college trip and i had no time nor the energy to write, not only that , i had a random seat buddy and i didn't want to write while they were next to me. But starting today i will be continuing the Danny Exe story and the Sweet Harmony story .


Hey Guys/gals/ and my non binary pals , I decided to delete my Sweet harmony book , since i saw it was going no where , i will restart it since i also noticed it was hard to keep up with and it was all over the place . I will continue with Fates two sided die . 
          HAPPY PRIDE TO EVERYONE , i hope you all continue to love and appreciate one another . I'm pansexual and genderfluid .


Heya guys/gals and non binary pals, ive had a hard time keeping up with SWEET HARMONY but i am going to try and continue it . Im putting more time to TWO SIDED DIE , and ive just came up with 4 new novel ideas.
          hope you guys are sweell, take care and stay hidrated


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Hi guys / gals and non binary pals , just writing to let you know my schedule for writing is umm fucked cus school , i will continue writing , dont know when or what time but i will continue with SWEET HARMONY as well as The dannyphantom.exe fluffs . Since danny asked for a fluff fanfic i want you guys to text him to read the dannyphantom fluff fanfic on my account , DONT spam tho just text him once on instagram, his name is the same as tiktok and youtube . Thats all folks, love ya , kiss ya , miss ya . bye bye