
In case anyone cares - I'm, well, not experiencing writer's block exactly, but I'm not writing /as/ much (blame school). I'm currently working on a short story which will hopefully be posted soon, and hopefully I'll finish the third chapter of TLoRJ and first part of Lucker to share with y'all :)


In case anyone cares - I'm, well, not experiencing writer's block exactly, but I'm not writing /as/ much (blame school). I'm currently working on a short story which will hopefully be posted soon, and hopefully I'll finish the third chapter of TLoRJ and first part of Lucker to share with y'all :)


@xXQueenOfDramaXx -pokes with cabbage-
          turns out school isn't so evil. we're doing alice in wonderland as a drama production and I dropped out of physics, so things are pretty great. is your school life being good to you? 
          and like why why why ;_; JUST LET US KEEP PRENTISS. and I forget her name as's on the tip of my tongue...
          ooh, senior year. exciting.


@soaringoverstars -pokes with Big Foot- 
          I just got back from vacation too. It sucks being back. :( School... tomorrow. You might as well kill me. I know. At first when Prentiss "died" in season 5 I was so broken up about it, then BAM season 6 she's back, then she's gone again. I can't take that sort of stress. I don't like people breaking up the family. I didn't like Seaver or the other girl that came earlier...gah...what's her name again? When JJ went on mat. leave? 
          I'm good though. As good as I'll ever be going into senior year. I'm kind of freaking out from freight and excitement. What about you?