
Hey guys! Bad news, the new chapter will not be uploaded today. It’s finished but as an author I’m really unhappy with it, and I don’t want to produce subpar work for y’all. My mind has been everywhere lately so i think I need some time to organize my thoughts. The chapter will hopefully be uploaded some time this week. Thanks guys and I love y’all ❤️ 


Hey guys! Bad news, the new chapter will not be uploaded today. It’s finished but as an author I’m really unhappy with it, and I don’t want to produce subpar work for y’all. My mind has been everywhere lately so i think I need some time to organize my thoughts. The chapter will hopefully be uploaded some time this week. Thanks guys and I love y’all ❤️ 




hello!  I am happy to announce that updates will resume this Sunday, n will be following the past schedule. thank you so much for being patience with me. I feel like I owe you guys an explanation bc of your kind support, my grandma was recently diagnosed with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (cancer) and it’s not looking the too good because of her age. but she is fighting and kicking its ass n my family is hoping for the best. thanks again for your patience throughout this time and I’m pleased to continue with ‘The Butterfly Effect’. 
          with love ❤️


Hi! That’s great to hear and as for your grandma I wish all goes well with her. She seems like an amazing human being and that’s awesome to know that she is fighting her own battles. Again, hope all goes well for you, take your time, and we love you!


hey guys I’m sorry I haven’t updated yet. My grandma is in the hospital and a lot of stuff is going on right now. I promise I will keep y’all updated and let u know when I’ll update. thank you so much for your patience. 
          Love you guys ❤️ 


I’m really sorry about that. I know I’m late but I hope everything gets better for you 


@snatchedurvirginity Take all the time you need babe <3 Dont stress over updating! Although I do hope your grandma gets better.. Love you <33
