
          	So I’m writing the romance first, even though there’s a lot I need to work on. It’s kinda a promo for the big book I’m working on, if that makes sense. I’ve started, and I’m getting a cover organised with the help of my amazing artist friend Amber, so please look out for that. Seriously, I need validation from the Great Internet People. Thanks,


@sn8wman_ Happy writing, can't wait to read your story!


You’ll definitely get ‘validation’ from me! I’ll be waiting!


          So I’m writing the romance first, even though there’s a lot I need to work on. It’s kinda a promo for the big book I’m working on, if that makes sense. I’ve started, and I’m getting a cover organised with the help of my amazing artist friend Amber, so please look out for that. Seriously, I need validation from the Great Internet People. Thanks,


@sn8wman_ Happy writing, can't wait to read your story!


You’ll definitely get ‘validation’ from me! I’ll be waiting!


Hello friends and fellow authors !
          I know I haven’t really produced anything worth reading yet, but I’m working on a story at the minute which I’ve been developing for a few months now, so I won’t be making many big stories until I’m ready to do that one. I currently have two story ideas; one of which is a love story set in the same universe as my big story, and the other is more of a sad story with a real-life setting. I’ll be doing both of these stories, but if you have a preference on which to do first, please let me know. I hope you all have a great day, and don’t talk to strangers. Cheers,
          -Edie :)